Week 1 - Living Wholeheartedly

Jan 7, 2023

We’ll kick off a new series “Living Wholeheartedly” [based on Brené Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection”]. 

Let’s start with this question: What stands in the way of you and your healing? Healing requires stepping out of shame—to believe it is possible, to believe that you are worthy. Jesus didn’t ask the sick man: Want me to fix it? Want me to take all the pain away? No, he asked a different, a better question: Do you want to be made well?

Rob Decker will join me as our Guest Storyteller. We’re both celebrating 10 YEARS SOBER this weekend! Rob dove out the window of a 3-story building trying to end it all. He survived…doctors told him he’d never walk again. In his recovery, he had to deal with lifelong shame: “I could no longer believe the lies that were poured into me from the time I was a kid.” Today Rob’s a health and fitness coach, helping tons of people toward the path of recovery.